So today was a breakthrough for me, I went for my first solo run! I've been putting off going for a solo run because I was worried that I wouldn't push myself as hard as when I have my running partner Red with me. Before I left for my run, I decided what my goal was. I wanted to run from lights to lights (about 1km) then part way back (to the train tracks) walk a bit then run again (sorry, I couldn't figure out how to get the google map of my run on here). So I set off with my iPod in hand (really need to get an arm band for it) ready to conquer the world, or at least my 2km of it.
I started with a light walk from my front door to my starting point (lights 1). I saw my first group of people in their yards and got a little nervous, I really don't like the idea of people seeing me run. When I got to the lights I was ready to run. Off I went, running down the road with my dance music blaring in my ears. Whew, I was getting tired quickly! I just started and my goal seemed unattainable. Then I realized how fast I was running and slowed down to a more sustainable pace. (I think I might save the fast paced music for later in my run when I'm getting tired and need the extra motivation.) So I'm trotting along messing with my iPod, I really need to make a playlist for running so I'm not having to spend so much energy skipping songs, and forgetting to breathe properly and next thing I know, I'm at the train tracks! Woo Hoo!! The turning point is in sight. I can totally do this!!!
After running up the small hill I touched the yield sign (half way point) and was thrilled! My head was pounding a little so I decided to walk a moment then start running again. After walking to the 2nd light pole I started to run again. This time I ran down the rest of the hill past the train tracks to the next road. At this point I was feeling really good about my progress and really tired! I walked for the next little bit as I wanted to save my energy to be able to run the final stretch. After a few minutes of walking, and more playing with my iPod, I was off again. Next thing I knew I was home! Tired, sweaty and super pumped!!
I realize that a step by step account of my run isn't the most exciting thing to read, but I need you to understand that doing this run on my own today was a huge thing for me. I needed to be able to break my run down into sections so that I could manage it on my own. As I completed a section, it gave me the confidence I needed to continue with the next. I don't know if any of you are in the same situation as me, overweight and pretty inactive, but I'm proof that a little hard work and you CAN achieve amazing things. Is being able to run 3/4 of 2km an amazing thing? Heck yes!! Especially if you haven't run since Brian Mulroney was Prime Minister! For you youngsters, that was the very early 90's.
After today's run, I'm confident that by the end of this month I will be running the whole 2km at a deccent pace. I'm sure that when I run in the Rankin Cancer Run 5km on May 29 that I will achieve my goal of running at least half the course! I also realized that I can push myself to do amazing things. No I don't want to disappoint Red, she has done so much to help me and inspire me to be the best me possible, but more importantly I don't want to disappoint myself. I want to prove to myself that I am capable of more than what I've been doing. I'm better than what I've been giving myself credit for.
Day 22 feels great!! I can't wait to see what day 42 and day 62 bring! This 30 day challenge has become more than a challenge for me, it's a new health lifestyle!
Obtain Ethnic Nationalism in Korea
6 years ago
LOVE it. WOOHOO! Congratulations, GREAT job, and keep up the good work!